3 Dec 2024
There have been recent changes to the NDIS rules (October 2024) which might affect Shiatsu practitioners.
Read the new guidelines around what the NDIS does and does not fund.
Please speak to your practitioner about your NDIS plan and whether it may cover Shiatsu Therapy.
STAA is dedicated to following the progress of both of these initiatives and continue to advocate for Shiatsu Therapy to be understood as an effective, evidence-based modality.
Health Funds
2 Dec 2024
In April 2019 the federal government passed legislation to remove natural therapy rebates from Private Health Funds.
Following this decision and advocacy from Natural Therapies Peak Bodies, such as STAA, the Australian Government commissioned a Natural Therapies Review to investigate the clinical effectiveness of 16 natural therapies excluded from private health insurance rebates. The Department of Health has engaged National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to assist in its review by commissioning evidence evaluations that will assess published scientific research on the excluded therapies. NHMRC has established a Natural Therapies Working Committee to oversee the evidence evaluations.
STAA has been involved in collating and submitting evidence to the Committee. We have also engaged with the regular Stakeholder Teleconferences throughout this process.
The outcome of the review was due September 2024. This has been delayed and the next Stakeholder Teleconference scheduled for 30 January 2025. STAA will attend and pass on any further information regarding the outcomes of the review.
Find out more:
Updated review of natural therapies announced
7 Apr 2019
Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced an updated review of "certain" natural therapies, including a five-year update to the 2014-15 review.
While we welcome this announcement, we will be asking questions about the parameters of this new review. It's imperative that it does not have the same limitations, bias and flaws that marred the 2015 review. This review must be fair.
We are still very concerned by the immediate effects of the loss of rebates on small businesses all over Australia, and the restrictions on Australians right to choose healthcare options.
STAA urges shiatsu clients to contact their health fund
8 Jan 2019
STAA is urging shiatsu clients to contact their health funds about the loss of shiatsu benefits.
Private health funds recently commenced advising their members of the changes to natural therapy rebates. Teachers Health, Medibank Private, AHM, Bupa and Australian Unity confirmed that they will stop paying shiatsu rebates from 1 April 2019. HBF ceased providing shiatsu benefits from 1 January 2019.
Health funds do have an option to offer incentives for natural therapies after 1 April, and STAA is continuing to seek information about what each health fund is doing.
“Insurers can offer incentives to purchasers of private health insurance as long as the incentives meet the requirements of the Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Rules. These incentives could include services provided by a natural therapist. It will be up to each insurer to decide whether to offer this type of incentive.”